guest check-in

If you are new or visiting this church, we would love to get to know you better. Please check-in with us by filling out the connection card linked below.


We offer bread and juice at every service as a reminder of Christ's sacrifice. They represent Jesus' broken body and spilled blood as he sacrificed himself for us. Be sure to get your cups prior to the service.

Submit a Prayer Request

We believe in the power of prayer. If you have something you would like for us to pray for, we have prayer slips located at the information center or you can submit it digitally by following the link.

Weekly Sermon Outline

Fill-in the sermon notes online, view the scriptures referenced in the sermon, Bible app access, and save the notes to your device.


You can drop off your Tithe/Offering in the boxes located at the doors of the worship center. You also have the option of giving online through our Tithe.ly app by clicking the link to the right.


April 5 - Women's Gather Round

Ladies, please join us on Saturday, April 5th at 9 am for a light breakfast and fellowship. Emily Becker will share her tips on meal planning with us. Please sign up if you plan to attend.

April 20 - Resurrection Sunday

There will be a breakfast at 9:00 am in the family life center prepared by our elders. Worship will begin at 10:30 am. There will be a photo booth in the north foyer.

April 20 - 30 Pieces of Silver Offering

This year's Thirty Pieces of Silver Offering, collected on Easter, will go toward the cost of windows around our building. Envelopes will be provided in the weeks to come at the information center and at the offering boxes.

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