guest check-in
If you are new or visiting this church, we would love to get to know you better. Please check-in with us by filling out the connection card linked below.
We offer bread and juice at every service as a reminder of Christ's sacrifice. They represent Jesus' broken body and spilled blood as he sacrificed himself for us. Be sure to get your cups prior to the service.
Submit a Prayer Request
We believe in the power of prayer. If you have something you would like for us to pray for, we have prayer slips located at the information center or you can submit it digitally by following the link.
Weekly Sermon Outline
Fill-in the sermon notes online, view the scriptures referenced in the sermon, Bible app access, and save the notes to your device.
You can drop off your Tithe/Offering in the boxes located at the doors of the worship center. You also have the option of giving online through our Tithe.ly app by clicking the link to the right.
February 2 - Congregational Meeting
On February 2nd congregational meeting to have a vote on the new By-Laws. Members who are at least 18 years of age are allowed to cast ballots. If you would like to vote, absentee, then contact the office.
By January 27 - Valentine Boxes for College Students
We are once again planning to send Valentine boxes to our college students. We will pack the boxes in the church kitchen on Monday, Jan. 27, at 8 am. There is a sign-up sheet at the information center for donation of snacks. Postage donations are welcome too.
February 15 - Men's Breakfast
There will be a men's breakfast on Saturday, January 15, 8:30 am in the family life center. Please sign up at the information center or on The Hub.
February 16 - Family Night
Plan to join us for our 2nd Family Night of the year on February 16, 5:30-7:30 pm, in the family life center. Please bring a crock pot of your favorite chili to share. The game of the night will be Bunco.
March 1 - IDES Meal Packing
Please join us on Saturday, March 1, at 10 am in the family life center as we pack 15,000 meals for people around the world. We need everyone to accomplish this task. Please sign up if you are able to attend.
NLCC High School Seniors
If you have a high school senior who attends NLCC and would like them recognized on our Senior Day, please submit their name to Alan Shedd or the church office by January 12.