Cross Examined

This is a sermon series that asks one question, “What did Jesus accomplish on the cross?” The obvious answer is that he died for our sins. But why does Jesus’ death mean forgiveness for us? It turns out the Bible has multiple themes and story lines to explain this very thing. Jesus was atoning for our sins, but he was doing so in harmony with all the story lines laid as a foundation in the Old Testament. In modern times, there are many “Atonement theories” to explain what Jesus accomplished on the Cross. In this series, we look at three which are all rooted in Old Testament themes.

Jesus RANSOMED us by buying us out of slavery to sin, death, and the devil. He paid to redeem us by giving his life for ours. So now we are free from slavery to sin.

Jesus DELIVERED us by initiating a second Exodus where the powers of darkness are vanquished and Christ is King over the earth. So now our God Reigns through Christ’s victory over death.

Jesus SPARED us by taking the wrath of God upon himself because we could never withstand it. So now we are free from the penalty of our failures. So now we are at peace with God.

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