REdiscover Sermon Series:
The Good news of king jesus
This is a sermon series by our Discipleship Minister, Jonathan Willmore. He presents the gospel “Good News” message. The Gospel is that the grave was empty, Jesus is alive! Because he was raised from the dead, he overcame our three problems which were started by Adam and Eve in the Garden: Sentenced to Death, Slavery to sin, and Sent away from his presence. Jesus is now the King of the world by overcoming his enemy. Now that he is King, he can share his kingdom blessings. In his GRACE we receive, REsurrection, REdemption, and REconciliation.
In the Resurrection, the new creation has been launched. Jesus’ Resurrection means we are living in the overlapping times of the old age of sin and death and the age to come in eternal life. What this means for you and I now means we get the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to give us resurrected hearts so we can live out our faith.
In this message we bounce back and forth between Old Testament promises and New Testament fulfillments with regards to the new creation being launched in the resurrection of Jesus. We will use Mark 7 as our main text as well as Ezekiel and Jeremiah.
With the Resurrection of Jesus, he is now the King of the world and therefore he is able to free us from our bondage to our sin and ultimately free us from the grave. We don’t have to live under the yoke of slavery any longer but as citizens of the true King, Jesus.
In this message, Jonathan shows how the word Redemption is used throughout Israel’s history and how they are a people identified by the fact that God continues to redeem them throughout history. There are three reasons why God Redeems us and three ways in which God Redeems us. We look at Ephesians 1, Isaiah 44, Ruth 4, Exodus 6, and Genesis 48.
Finally, we are reconciled and the relationship between mankind and God is restored. Jesus died on the cross because of our rebellion to God but was raised to life so that we might be declared righteous (justified). So God sees us now differently than he did prior to Jesus. He now sees us as friends instead of foes, as Priests instead of Peasants, and as Disciples instead of Disappointments.
In this sermon, we look at Romans 5, Philemon, and 2 Corinthians 5.
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